Friday, June 10, 2005

I have found one more!

I think it was yesterday afternoon. (I am not sure the days just blur together) I was lying on my bed just waking up from a well-needed nap (yes it was yesterday) and Nicole comes in. I said, “hi sweetie! Come lay down!” So she got in bed next to me (I love that about girls! I love it that we can just do that :) so awesome!). Anyway, I started talking to her about stuff. I found out that she had been to the International House of Prayer for a Conference. Which happened to be Onething, the same conference that Stephen, Jeanette Mike, Doug, and I went to in February. So basically I found out that she believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. So awesome! Sometime I just want to get together with her and just worship, pray, and intercede! (She is on the worship team, awesome guitarist!)

Which reminds me of something else. We had a worship and praise time last night. Which was cool but so structured. I felt like it was hard to take it serious. Anyway, I was talking to a girl, Chelsea who plays guitar, and was telling her that I wish it wasn’t so structured. By this I mean, they sing for 30 min, pray in groups for 15 minutes, then shout out thank-yous to God. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t bad. I just would love to see more worship and freedom in prayer. Like just open it up and have some things to focus on in prayer but let people pray for longer than 15 minutes. If someone wants to worship, then go for it. Or you could have a time for the singing and a time for the “speaking-type” prayer. But lets sing more! Lets pray more. When you do different things and get in groups it breaks peoples focus. People start to talk to each other. So anyway, I was talking to her about it and she was in agreement. Maybe we can just have a time for worship and prayer outside of those meetings.

I just want to pray more. I need it. I need more passion for it.

1 comment:

Idhrendur said...

There's many (Cessationists) who believe that they ceased with the death of the last of the 12 apostles. And in general, while people believe in these in theory, they don't put any practical stock in them, and certainly don't believe that THEY could practice the gifts themselves...