Wednesday, August 02, 2006



Anyone? Anyone?


Darth_Harbison said...

Wait . . . you WHAT NY??

Mike Morabito said...

why is this guy starring at me?

And is it just me or does he have zit on his forehead? Or maybe its like a mole and its like a fashion statement like cindy crawford or enrique iglesias?

-Mike Morabito
ps. glad to see you posted

AJ Harbison said...

::SIGH:: Of COURSE I get it....

::shakes head sadly::

But I'm glad to see you posted again. Let's hope all these comments will start a trend.

Should I let all these other folks in on the secret? Or let them die in their ignorance?


Idhrendur said...

I get it, though I can't see it. n fact, before I saw the text, I was thinking "it's one of those, isn't it?" The text made it certain. But I still can't see it.

Narisilme said...

I get it now! I get it!