Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Daughter,

I love you and have you in my arms. Be still. Let me embrace you. You are restless and anxious. Be calm. I am here. Look up into my eyes! Do you see the trust they hold? Do see the love they express? Why would I let you go? Why would I ever leave you? You are mine as you always have been. Lie here, and feel the warmth of my chest. Listen to my breath. Breath with me. Peace my daughter, peace.

Let me wipe away your tears; let me hold you in this hour. You are not alone, as you never were. Why do you worry? Have I not commanded you not to? Trust me. I know all things; I am the beginning and the end. I see the path that I have laid before you. I see what you have only seen in part.

Trust my words and here my voice. Do not dwell on the present circumstance, it is only temporary, do not reside in the past, it is no more. Look to the skies! Look into my eyes! I am unchanging, righteous and just. My promises are unfailing, and my love is true. I promise, my daughter, I will always be with you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Jason Rasmussen said...

That was really well written. It not only brought up the concerns we have, but the comfort and promise in the answer of the Father. It can be so difficult to stop, slow down, and just let go. Jesus cares about our concerns so much more than we do, why do we keep holding onto them and not just let them go into His hands? Sometimes the best thing to do is to let go, especially when it is letting go and falling into the arms of the Father.