Monday, June 06, 2005

So Nice I Posted Twice!

Second day. I don’t have reception right now. Well it says I do but can’t find the server or something. Anyway, I love the people here. Today we got together with our bible study groups and the leader. The group consists of four girls, they live in our 3-bedroom/12-girl apartment. I am so excited about these girls. The Lord is so good. There is one girl who I felt like I didn’t click well with, and when I saw that she was in my group I thought, “oh Awesome God! This will be cool.” See she is kind of a stand off kind of girl (I can’t hug her :( ) which I am not too used to, but I know its not me, its just her personality. I was excited because I wanted to try to get to know her more and get past our personality differences.

Another thing that was cool was that today asked God to reveal to me any one who believed more of what I believe (I guess you could say charismatic). Well one of the girls in my bible study said that her mom goes to a charismatic church so later I talked to her about it and found that she didn’t speak in tongs but believed in it and is still looking into it. (Shh! Don’t tell crusade that we talked about tongs!) Also that she believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we talked about it really quick because she had to go.

Yay! (Happy dance!)

I am really excited! I think this is going to be great! We’ll see what the Lord does!
Love you all!

The Lord is so funny! Tonight a few of us went to worship on the beach and we met two guys from two different Vineyards here. We invited them to our Monday Crusade meetings. I was like “bring your Vineyard friends!”

I can’t attend a Vineyard here, because they give us only a choice of four churches. But it’s cool! I am excited to see all that I will learn through the church that I’ll attend. Right now I am trying to decide between the Black church and the non-denominational, more contemporary, church. The black church was cool, now I just want to check out the other.

Okay bye again, love you all!


AJ Harbison said...

So glad to hear that you made it Virginia alright and you're loving it there so far! I don't know though... that sounds pretty suspicious, speaking in "tongs." "Tongues," maybe... I don't see why Crusade would be concerned that you were talking about tongs. :p

I love you and miss you sister! Have an awesome trip and look for ways that God can use you--and then hurry home! >---:D---<


Idhrendur said...

It was very nice to talk to you. I love you friend!

douglasgpierson said...

Don't you just love when people leave comments??!! sorry I havent updated my blog recently. Gald you made it safely and are already jumping in meeting people!! When you come home you have a whole year of ministry/ community to look forward to!! YAY!