Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Lord is good!!!

Here is an update on what the lord is doing here in VA!
last week was killing the giants the week, which is a week were you set evangelism goals! Anyway! I was blessed to lead FOUR PEOPLE TO CHRIST!!! Oh my goodness! Praise GOD! Two of them were these two high school girls who were like best friends! It was so cute, they were so willing and ready! It was neat because before I went through the four spiritual laws with them, they told me and my friend Ashley who was with me that they didn't even know a Christian. So cool how God worked! HE ROCKS!

The other was a homeless guy who just wanted forgiveness so bad. He prayed the prayer and after he accepted Christ into his life, he said that he felt better. It was neat because he told me that he wanted to get off of alcohol and realized that it wasn't going to happen unless he humbled himself. With that I got to share how it was only through Christ that my sister got off of narcotics. I could also see that he was real about it all when he told me that he wished there was a way that I could know he was doing better. Instead of asking for my address, or phone number, he told me the name of this guy that works at a church on the corner, and told me that he would work with the guy and tell him how I was, and if I called him, he would tell me how George was doing (that is his name by the way).

the other guy was this kid from Chicago, who was going to leave the next day. When I asked him which circle* represented his life he pointed at the circle with the Cross inside. I was like "oh you are a Christian!" He was like "No, no! I thought you said which one do you want to be!" he was so willing and ready, and it was so cool to see God fix the misunderstanding.

God is awesome! I miss you all! I love you all! God Bless!


AJ Harbison said...

Awesome! Praise the Lord for His goodness and mercy to sinners--and His willingness to use people like us to proclaim it! I'm so excited to hear about everything you're doing for Him and everything that He's teaching you. Can't wait to see you again! Train out sister!


douglasgpierson said...

Hey Jess,

thanks for your awesome reports. our Lord is so faithful. continue to search for the harvest.

in response to your comment on my blog about David...
Just last week someone behind me in church saw me dancing and had two words for me... she wrote down 2 verses from 2 Samuel about David dancing and rejoicing... and how I reminded her of him...


Love ya!!